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좌측_배너 배너 001

작성자 한태일 목사
작성일 2016-04-03 (일) 09:00
ㆍ추천: 0  ㆍ조회: 1497      
IP: 96.xxx.30
Senior Pastor's Column for April
Senior Pastor's column for April

I hope to know His heart, in the smallest things I do
I hope to go the way He went, as narrow as it may be
Knowing my smallness, and knowing His greatness
I yearn to go the deep road of His hope.
Rather than being some rising mountain jetting high into the clouds,
I hope to be a simple small knoll here on earth.
Rather than having simply my own road alight,
I hope to be able to light other’s road.
I yearn to live and one day die, as I sing, as I speak,
If for just one small moment I could be like Him, His love.
I yearn to take the narrow road,
I yearn to take the deep road,
I yearn to take the high road.

These are the lyrics to the praise song “Hope,” written by Pastor Han Ung-jae. I sang this song during the offering on Sunday two weeks ago when I celebrated my 59th birthday. As I thought about the prospects of turning 60 next year, I recognized that in terms of my pastoral work – I am in the final quarter.  
After believing in Christ during my junior year of high school at the age of 17, and after having my faith develop in church with deep reformed roots, God led me to come study in the United States. I received my master’s degree in Engineering; I was called to the ministry, went to seminary, and was ordained. I began serving as a pastor in 1992. In 1994, I then planted our church.  The lyrics above best express my desire and hope, and they are reflective of my very own testimony.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we all share the same ultimate goal: being conformed to His image. We share this desire. With deep faith in the sovereignty of God, we believe His hand is at work in even the smallest matters and affairs of our life. Thus, we have a desire to know His heart and His will in those areas. Though the path is narrow, we should want to follow that road, especially because it is the road that the Lord guides you on.
We want to never forget how small we are before a great God.  That is why we seek humility.  Regardless of what trials and tribulations we encounter in life, though we may be small He is great, and that I why we seek to go down the deeper road with our hope and faith in Him.

Even if we go through life in anonymity, without the recognition and respect such as the famous, even if I am not the pastor of a large church popular to the world, I am content to be in the grassy knoll with green trees and glorious flowers where lay people come to reflect. Rather than only being content with my own path lit in a dark world, I will rejoice when I can be a means by which others’ paths are also reflective of light.  
It is delightful to go through life singing joyfully, sharing warm and tender conversations with others. I also hope that when the time comes to depart this world, I can die in the same manner. That is what makes it so special to be able to love like Christ loves, even if only for a moment. If the road to such a life is narrow, I’m ready to take it. Whether the road is deep, or whether the road is high and seemingly out of reach, I’m willing to go as the Lord directs me.
April is here. It is a beautiful season. The trees are budding and the flowers are blooming. Spring has sprung. My hope is that all brothers of sisters in Christ at Garden Presbyterian Church would be filled with the love of the Lord: with flowers blossoming in our hearts, joyful songs falling from our lips and Christ’s selfless love flowing from our conversations and apparent in our actions. Given how hard and lonely life can be as Korean American immigrants, it would be good if we took some time to sit down, spend time with God and tell Him about how the grace of the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives.
We should sit down over a fragrant cup of tea, and discuss how our love for Jesus and for each other can grow. We should share and give to one another, especially those in apparent need. Then as we depart, we should sing of our hope for heaven and exchange hugs, eagerly waiting for the next opportunity to meet and share more of His precious love through each other.

With love in Christ,
Pastor Nathan Hahn

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